@mavnn ltd have always offered training as a service, but we're now pleased
to announce our very first public training event. As readers of this blog (or people attending F# Exchange), you
get first notification!
"Level Up Your F#" is going to be a two day course running in London on the 15th-16th June.
We'll run through a syllabus of language features unique to F# and not shared by
the other dotnet languages - features that offer unparalleled expressive power
at the cost of a learning curve and the occasional sharp edge. In the course we'll
give you a leg up that curve, and protect you from a few cuts along the way.
This course will be aimed at people who have spent some time coding in F#
(possibly after taking a course like the "Fast Track to F#") and realise that their
projects could benefit from a deeper understanding of F# special
abilities. These techniques are especially useful for writing generic,
reusable code - whether that's core internal code or widely used libraries.
It will be a small group, allowing for personalization and some flexibility in design,
but at its core it will be build up through four major topics:
Useful tricks: active patterns, member constraints, etc
Quotations: what they are, and how and when to use them
Type Providers: how to build them, and use them for type safety
Computational Expressions: build powerful abstractions and then expose them in an easy to use way
We're aiming for a cost of £1,295.00 for the course with early bird (10 15% until the 15th May) and group discounts available (contact us). Due to the nature of the course, there will be a hard limit of 12 attendees. There's also a limited quantity of super-early bird tickets available if you're quick! Register your interest soon to secure a ticket, and if there's a waiting list we'll consult you about
additional dates.
As always with @mavnn training courses, we're also willing to come and deliver this training on site and tailor it to your specific needs. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss requirements and quotes.